Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summertime Camping

I decided Wordpress isn't working for me anymore. I can't consistently upload pictures from my macbook. So I'm black to using blogger! Here's an updates on a few things we've been up to this summer:

Tanner "sang" for the Father's Day primary musical number. Except he didn't actually open his mouth. He looked like this the entire time.

We have a "Super Dog." (he's wearing Tanner's Superman cape)

Sam had his first dentist appointment. No cavities!

We (I) painted the dining room. I LOVE it.


I went to Girl's Camp!
Here's part of the committee I worked with to work on camp, with our camp shirts:

I wore this rainbow hat all week because it had flashing lights all over it to go with our "Glow" theme

Many glowsticks were used ...

The T-shirt colors were so bright, they practically glowed during the day, and they certainly glowed in the dark at night time.

I came home and the boys had made welcome home cards. Tanner drew a picture of me camping. Pretty great, huh??

And finally, the Before and After my shower when I got home:

We celebrated the 4th of July by helping make a butterfly garden at a local park for a boy's eagle project, and then spent the afternoon with Zach and Sara where we gorged ourselves on BBQ and the boys ran through the sprinklers.

We took the boys to the temple to walk around one day, and got some sweet pictures there:

Sammy finished his first round of swimming lessons: the Parent-and-Me classes to which Jason accompanied him every Saturday for 6 weeks. As of now, Sammy hates going underwater.

And finally, we took our first family camping trip to Pomona Lake, just about an hour southwest from here.

There were swarms of dragonflies by the lake (kinda gross)

But we did a few little hikes/rock climbing excursions,

...And enjoyed the AC of the cabin we were in.