Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Ensenada, Mexico Cruise

I cannot believe how much fun it is to go on a "booze-less" cruise with my two besties (Mom and Natalie) for a weekend! This was my first cruise ever, and I would LOVE to make it an annual experience!

Natalie, me, and mom with our toes facing the Long Beach Harbor before departure

Landing in Mexico! Here's our Carnival Cruise ship

There were several excursions but we were only in port for a day, so we chose to blow all our money on cheap Mexican goods and trinkets from all the shops.

I can never get over how beautiful sunsets over the water are!

Cool swan ice sculpture, that I took, like, 20 pictures of for some reason, and then deleted all but this one. Because really? Who hasn't seen a swan ice sculpture? In case you haven't though, here's one!

We ate and ate and ATE!! And I didn't get sick once, even being 13 weeks pregnant! This is me dancing next to one of the serving staff at dinner. Because that's the kind of thing you do on a cruise, apparently. There's no shame in making a fool out of yourself. And trust me, we encountered enough drunk people to know that this is a FACT of weekend cruises to Mexico.

I got this text when I finally get cell service again. Jason took the boys to the Old Settler's Day parade (my favorite parade of the year, right here in Olathe!). Looks like they survived just fine without me.

Nana bought Tanner a Carnival Cruise Ship lego set, which of course, he loved to assemble.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tanner's an Artist

I like to think of myself as the artist in the family. But lately, in the art department, Tanner is taking the cake! Here are a few of his recent pieces:

1. Fire Truck

2. Police Car

3. Pirate Ship (called Pooll)

4. Star Wars 
(Darth Vader in the middle, and other invented robots throughout)