Wednesday, August 24, 2016

School Kids

School started for us, and it was a BIG deal this year. First off, because I REALLY needed it to happen when it did. Because every day was starting to look like this:

1st School Kid: Tanner
Age: 5
Grade: Kindergarten

This was the First Day of School breakfast. French toast with whipped cream!

Tanner has been so excited to start Kindergarten! He met his teacher at Back to School night (ice cream social), and he has two friends in his class that he already knows.

2nd School Kid: Sam
Age: 3
Grade: Preschool

Sam was so excited to start preschool, he simply could not celebrate with Tanner on his first day because he wanted it to be his first day as well, instead of having to wait 24 WHOLE HOURS for his own First Day celebration. The look on his face says it all as we were getting ready to drive him to his first day of school.

3rd School Kid: Karina!
Age: Is this question relevant? OK, I'm 31.
Grade: Post-Grad

It may not seem like a big deal to many, but I was SOOO excited for my first day to take a class of my choosing! With both kids in school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, I simply could not pass up the chance to go myself! I am taking a music theory course at the local community college.

4th Kid (Not a school kid): Jason
Age: 33
Grade: Does it matter because he is working hard to support our family! And yes, I forced him to make this face. Because it makes me laugh.

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