Saturday, March 18, 2017

Enduring to the End (of pregnancy)

The past couple of months we have been eagerly awaiting the birth of our baby, presumably our 3rd boy. So keeping busy is a MUST. Here are some of the things we have been up to during this time:

 Playing Star Wars. With light sabers!

Playing legos,

 Valentine's Dinner at the church (which explains the headless Jesus picture),

More Valentine's Day fun,

Trying my first Christopher Elbow chocolates,

 Celebrating my birthday,

 Playing Biddy basketball,

Enjoying donuts,

Girl's night out at the church with niece Emma,

 Making a Swedish Princesstarta,

Getting my pre-labor pedicure,

Seeing the new Lego Batman movie during spring break,

Being spoiled with copious amounts of chocolate by Jason 
(the only way anyone can live with me lately),

Playing in the snow- not enough for a decent snowman this winter!

Playing with our hand-me-down ATV (thanks, Uncle David!)

And getting pumped up to meet the new kid on the block!

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